Thursday, August 7, 2008

Regarding Prasoon's Question "Why Educate?-A Fundamental Question"

It is true, this is really a fundamental question. Our policy documents and debates on education have always been ignoring to answer this question. In fact, there are few things that can be considered the logical necessities why we should educate our children.Human being is a social being and can only live in society. Society is a complex system. If we want to live here, we must know the all that intricacies that are neccessary to live and contribute properly in this society. And what these intricacies are? These are "Knowledge", "Skills", and "Values". And all these intricacies are to be learned. Hence, every child has to learn all that "Knowledge", "Skills", and "Values". Therefore, formal education is necessary because this is a deliberate environment based on a philosophy where the children are facilitated to develop their innate capacity of learning to learn how knowledge is formed, to gain live experiences to develop rational and critical understanding and skills and values necceassary for better and satisfactory life and responsible participation in society.But here one another most important question arises that how and why you will decide that which knowledge, skills and values are to learned by our young generation?

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