Monday, September 22, 2008

By Pramod Maithil

Pune workshop on Qualitative Research


Himansu and I attended the 1st workshop of the ICEE-initiated series on qualitative research in Pune. It was on first week of September (from 1 to 6 sept. 08) This workshop series aims to provide us with methodological skills for conceptualizing and executing a field based research project. The first workshop was about conceptualizing and proposing a research project. Qualitative Research is to get to know some thing qualitatively whereas there is another stream called Quantitative Research. Qualitative research involves analysis of data such as words (e.g., from interviews), pictures (e.g., video), or objects (e.g., an artifact). Quantitative research involves analysis of numerical data. The strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative research are a subject of perennial debate, especially in the social sciences. The issues invoke classic 'paradigm war'. The personality / thinking style of the researcher and/or the culture of the organization are as a key factor in preferred choice of methods. Overly focusing on the debate of "qualitative versus quantitative" frames the methods in opposition. It is important to focus also on how the techniques can be integrated, such as in mixed methods research. More good can come if social science researchers develop skills in both realms rather than debate which method is superior. I took an appropriate text to orient my thoughts from the following website on qualitative versus quantitative research

I am very much thankful to Eklavya for giving me such an opportunity. This is a powerful tool which I was just waiting for.


This workshop enabled me to learn to organize my thoughts. Also it provoked us to see and check that where exactly our research fit into the larger professional research on mathematics education. We also learnt the importance of using language precisley from this workshop.

What is qualitative data? More specifically we got an understanding of the difference between an elaborate description and a qualitative research data.

A qualitative research is an inductive process. We don’t go to test any hypothesis but we build an assumption from the data and process it through and constantly change it as the data requires. That is why richness in the data is important.

I had a question in the beginning that what’s the difference between a statement based on general observations and a statement based on qualitative research. Now it is clear to me that the rigor involve in qualitative research makes the difference.

The Process

The study of qualitative research is a combination of distance components and intensive workshop. The detailed syllabus is attached.

‘Learning general principles and working on specific issues’ was the workshop’s key feature. We were studying qualitative research and simultaneously were utilizing the learning to work on our personal or individual research proposals.

We were supposed to read materials in advance and also given some assignments to submit during the workshop. During the classes we used to discuss components of qualitative research and share that particular component of our research project with all

All these three parts were very closely interlinked.

Reading - We mainly followed Maxwell, J’s (1996) text on qualitative research. We also got readings of other writers. I will place a copy of all the readings in the library of Hoshangabad center.

Assignments – we submited assinments related to our research project. Assignments were - reading review, the concept map & first draft of final praposal

It was realy very tightly scheduled. At least I and Himansu used to work in the office till late in the night. So we used to use the ICEE systems in the office over all I will say it was good since we were learning too. .

Organizers & the participants

ICICI Center for Elementary Education initiated and organized this workshop for people working in education research from ICEE itself and from partner NGOs like Eklavya, Diganter and Vidhya Bhavan Society.

Our Instructor

We will have Dr. Anju Saigal as our instructor for the nine-month period. She has a master’s degree in social work (TISS) and also a master in education (Harvard University) and a doctorate in education (Harvard University). In addition, she has worked with Pratham during its early days in Mumbai. She was constantly sharing examples from the experience of her research work. It was an ethnographic study of women literacy workers in Mumbai.

The participants

ICEE – Thomas, Rabi & Arpita

VBS – Namrita & Prasoon

Digantar – Kuldeep & Rajesh

Eklavya – Himansu & Pramod

Observations of the workshop

I and Himansu both were working on a topic which involves a distinct branch of qualitative research called “Action Research”. Since we have to take part in the process and our input will make some effect as well and this type of qualitative research where the researcher is also a factor is called Action research. The others had taken up themes from social sciences.

I also observed that but for a few (like me and Himansu) most participants were using heavy jargons very loosely. (epistemology, pedagogy, paradigm, constructivism etc.) We were a little uncomfortable with this as the message can easily convey without them.

At times people tried drag the discussion endlessly. However, our instructor was very sharp & calm. She kept cutting irrelevant talk very politely and kept us going in the right direction.


The First and very significant outcome has been the research project.

I have selected a topic on math teaching - “The teaching of place value using Ganak (the modified abacus used in bal vaigyanik)”.

The following questions were used as a guide for my research design:

· Why are you doing this study?

· What do you think is going on?

· What do you want to understand?

· What will you actually do?

· How might you be wrong?

These questions helped me to articulate the rationale, the conceptual context, the research questions and methods of our study and how we will deal with issues of validity of our study.

The materials generated

1. The research proposal –fist draft of the research proposal. I got some comments of which a few were incorporated. I need to read little more about the topic during this distance component and upgrade my proposal.

2. The assignment 2 Idea of “literature review” – read and review three papers or literature.

3. The Concept map & its narrative.

4. PowerPoint presentation of the proposal.

I am going to enclose

1. First draft of my research proposal

Pramod Maithil, Eklavya Hoshangabad


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